Sunday 27 May 2012

WHO TELL HELL AM I u can see my complete profile but still u don't really know WHO THE HELL am I right.

My name is Alan Chan,21yrs old,people always call me Alan and I come from a petite city of Historical Malacca but live in Singapore for the sake of working there.I work as a chef in Marina Bay Sands Pizzeria Mozza which own by  Chef Mario Batali(the Iron Chef America) and Chef Nancy Silverton.

A cook must have to work with the food hunting is always my favorite activities during my relieve.Food is must for a human being hence good food equal to good life.Beside food, I am a coffee addict(coffee lover) as well as I used to work as a Barista.

If you want know more about myself add me @ facebook. or u can directly ask me right here.

And very soon some nice food picture will be up here stay tune...Ciao!

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